The Stranger Summary – Albert Camus

The Stranger (“L’Étranger”), is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1942. It is considered one of the most important works in Camus’s literary career and a classic of existential and absurdist literature.

Summary Of The The Stranger

Meursault, the narrator, is a young man living in Algeria. Upon receiving a telegram about his mother’s death, he takes a bus to Marengo, where she had been staying in a nursing home. He spends much of the journey asleep. Upon arrival, he speaks with the home’s director, who allows him to see his mother, though the coffin is already sealed. Meursault declines the offer to open it.

That night, Meursault keeps vigil by his mother’s coffin. Despite the disapproving chatter of the caretaker, the man stays with Meursault throughout. Meursault smokes, drinks coffee, and drifts in and out of sleep. The next morning, before the funeral, he meets with the director again, who informs him that Thomas Perez, an elderly man close to his mother, will attend the funeral. As the procession moves toward a nearby village, Perez struggles with the heat and faints. Meursault remembers little about the funeral itself and returns to Algiers that night feeling content.

The following day, Meursault goes swimming at a public beach and runs into Marie Cardona, a former coworker. They plan to watch a comedy film that evening, and after the movie, they spend the night together. When Meursault wakes up, Marie has already left. He spends the day lounging in bed and later sits on his balcony, watching people pass by in the street.

On Monday, Meursault returns to work. He has lunch with his friend Emmanuel and works throughout the afternoon. That night, while heading up to his apartment, he encounters Salamano, an elderly neighbor with a mangy dog, and Raymond Sintes, a man with a shady reputation. Raymond invites him to dinner, and during the meal, he confesses to having beaten his mistress after discovering her infidelity. Raymond fought with her brother and now wants to punish her further. He asks Meursault to help him write a letter to lure her back, and Meursault agrees, writing the letter that night.

On Saturday, Marie visits Meursault at his apartment. She asks if he loves her, to which he indifferently replies that it doesn’t mean anything but probably not. Later, they hear a commotion outside Raymond’s apartment. When the police arrive, they watch from the hallway. Raymond is slapped by the police and informed that he will be summoned to the station for beating his mistress. Later, Raymond asks Meursault to testify on his behalf, and Meursault agrees. That night, Salamano tells Meursault that his dog has run away.

Marie later asks Meursault if he wants to marry her. He responds without enthusiasm, saying they could if she wants to, leading to their engagement. The next Sunday, Meursault, Marie, and Raymond visit a beach house owned by Raymond’s friend, Masson. They enjoy a swim and lunch. Later, Masson, Raymond, and Meursault encounter two Arabs on the beach, one of whom is the brother of Raymond’s mistress.

A fight breaks out, and Raymond is stabbed. After tending to his wounds, Raymond and Meursault find the Arabs near a spring. Raymond considers shooting them but is talked out of it by Meursault, who takes the gun. However, later, Meursault returns to the spring and, for reasons unclear, shoots the brother of Raymond’s mistress.

Meursault is arrested and jailed. His lawyer is unsettled by Meursault’s lack of remorse, particularly his indifference at his mother’s funeral. Meursault also meets with an examining magistrate who tries to understand him but is troubled by his atheism. The magistrate, unable to comprehend Meursault’s lack of faith, dubs him “Monsieur Antichrist.”

One day, Marie visits Meursault in prison, forcing herself to smile and expressing hope that he will be acquitted and they will marry. As he waits for his trial, Meursault slowly adapts to prison life, initially overwhelmed by the loss of nature, women, and cigarettes, but eventually adjusting and ceasing to miss them. He finds ways to pass the time, mostly by sleeping.

On the day of his trial, Meursault is brought to a courtroom filled with spectators and journalists. The trial quickly shifts focus from the murder to Meursault’s character, particularly his reaction to his mother’s death. Several funeral attendees testify, all confirming Meursault’s lack of emotional response. Reluctantly, Marie testifies that they went on a date the day after the funeral and watched a comedy film. The prosecutor, portraying Meursault as a threat to society, emphasizes his moral indifference. Meursault is found guilty and sentenced to death by guillotine.

Back in prison, Meursault awaits his execution. He struggles to come to terms with his fate and the certainty of death. He fantasizes about escaping or a successful appeal. One day, a chaplain visits despite Meursault’s refusal. The chaplain urges him to embrace God, but Meursault refuses.

Like the magistrate, the chaplain is baffled by Meursault’s lack of faith. In a sudden outburst, Meursault grabs the chaplain and shouts at him. In this moment, Meursault fully accepts that life is inherently meaningless. He abandons all hope for the future and acknowledges the “gentle indifference” of the universe, which oddly brings him a sense of peace and happiness.

Key Themes of The Stranger
Absurdism: The novel delves into the absurdity of existence and the meaningless nature of life. Meursault’s actions and the events that transpire highlight the lack of inherent purpose in life and the arbitrary nature of social norms and justice.
Existentialism: Meursault embodies existentialist themes, such as the search for meaning, personal freedom, and confronting death. His detachment and refusal to conform challenge traditional views of morality and significance.
Alienation and Isolation: Meursault’s emotional detachment and indifference lead to his isolation from others, illustrating the theme of alienation. His inability to connect with those around him underscores the existential belief in the fundamental solitude of the individual.
The Absurd Hero: Meursault is often seen as an “absurd hero” who accepts the irrationality of the world and embraces the absurdity of existence. His acceptance of his fate and his refusal to appeal against his death sentence reflect his acknowledgment of life’s inherent absurdity.

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